Intertwined Drop Bead Earrings, One with Turquoise Indian Design
One of the admirable things about my mother is her willingness to do crafts projects, no matter how slight her training or imperfect the results. I can remember orange macrame bead curtains, mosaic table tops, shell collages. In my own adult house there are tables and dressers that she refinished in a night school class, charming the instructor into smoothing out the finish or bracing the legs. Now she is knitting and crocheting and teaching my daughter to do the same. I have a poncho they both worked on, and some mittens.

These single earrings I think she made for me one Christmas ( in pairs of course) but I am not sure. There are so many people I have known that have braved the too many choices at a bead store and had the focus and patience to string them. Even my youngest son tried beading one year, wrist bands I remember. I have never tried a single craft except embroidery, and even that was restricted to the simplest anxious cross stitch.
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